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30 Aug 2024
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Though the word "hurricane" isn't one we enjoy hearing, it is a part of our life here at the beach.

As we head into the peak of hurricane season, which typically occurs between mid-August and late October, it’s even more important to stay vigilant. This is the busiest time for tropical storms and hurricanes, so being prepared in advance can make all the difference. Make sure you have a plan in place, monitor weather conditions closely, and remain ready to act should a storm head your way.

Safety and preparedness are key during these high-risk months.

When a hurricane is approaching, preparation is key. Here’s a checklist to help you stay safe and ready:

1. Stay Informed

2. Secure Your Home

  • Board up windows or close storm shutters.
  • Bring outdoor furniture, grills, and other loose items indoors.

  • Reinforce garage doors and secure any weak points around property.

3. Assemble an Emergency Kit


  • Enough water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days).
  • Non-perishable food.

  • Medications and first aid supplies.

  • Flashlights, batteries, a battery-powered radio, and chargers.

  • Important documents in a waterproof bag.

4. Prepare for Power Outages

  • Have flashlights and batteries ready.
  • Charge electronic devices fully before the storm.

  • Stock up on extra gas if you own a generator and run it outdoors only.

5. Plan for Evacuation

  • Know your evacuation routes and shelters.
  • Pack essential items, including clothes, personal hygiene items, and cash.

  • Make a plan for pets, as many shelters don’t accommodate animals.

6. Communicate

  • Keep friends and family informed of your plans.
  • If you are in a vacation rental, guests will be informed of local evacuation protocols and storm safety measures.

7. Review Insurance Policies

  • Ensure you have appropriate coverage for hurricane damage, including flood insurance.
  • Have photos or videos documenting your home and valuables for potential claims.

By following these steps, you can stay safe, minimize damage, and be ready for whatever the storm may bring. Preparedness is the best defense when hurricanes threaten coastal communities.